soldiers attack judges in Kelo, in the south of the country

soldiers attack judges in Kelo in the south of the

It is an announced program of ostentatious acts against the Chadian magistrates, these are not fortuitous facts. It was thought out, framed to strike at the existence of the judiciary in this country. We are not going to let it go, we are determined to ensure that the judiciary is respected. We are holders of a power, they want us. The military they interfere in our attributions because they themselves think they have weapons, but they hold a certain number of powers, but the judges who are civilians exercise powers that go beyond theirs, that’s the problem. This is not only an act of intimidation, I believe that people do not want the judiciary in this country. I have already announced that there will be acts worse than that, we will never be surprised when there will be assassinations, but we will not allow ourselves to be done, whatever it costs us, whatever also happens.

Djonga Arafi, Secretary General of the Chadian Magistrates’ Union
