Solbacka educational work from evil can open again – hear Jan Guillous’s reaction

Solbacka educational institutions were started in 1901 and closed down in 1973. The school became known, or notorious, for the broad mass in connection with Jan Guillou’s novel Evil.

Comrade education

Guillou himself was a student at Solbacka and in the novel he portrayed his time there. A time that was characterized by “comrade education” – a penalistic system that meant that those who did not behave were subjected to violence by older students.

Jan Guillou has previously said that he would like to see the school equal to the ground, but now the school gates may be open again.

– There is not much I can do about it, says Jan Guillou.

No fear of destructive culture

Knut Pousette, who is behind the application together with the former principal for Campus Manilla at Djurgården in Stockholm, a school he was involved and started.

He is not afraid that the culture Jan Guillou testified to sit in the walls.

– I think that thanks to his information in the book and the film, there is even less chance that there will be something like that, says Knut Pousette.

Can lead to many new jobs

What will it cost to live at school?

– Everything is at a very early stage but maybe around SEK 300,000, says Knut Pousette.

According to Knut Pousette, a new boarding school at the site could lead to 100 new jobs.

– Since the school would have to be staffed around the clock, it could be something like that.

Hear Jan Guillou’s thoughts that the school may open again in the clip above.
