Solar energy should save Spain from climate change, but it sparked a big dispute – farmer Jan Burgues, 19, fears for his job

Solar energy should save Spain from climate change but it

Spain is in a hurry, because by 2030, 75 percent of the country’s energy should come from renewable energy sources. Currently, the figure is slightly below 50 percent.

Bureaucracy slowed down solar power plant construction projects for a long time, but it has been eased.

Criticism has been raised, especially among farmers and some environmental organizations, by the environmental report required by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, which nowadays can also be done by a company building a solar power plant.

Ministry requires an environmental assessment (you will switch to another service) from all power projects over 50 megawatts. However, just passing the environmental assessment does not automatically mean that the power plant can be built.

According to some environmental staffs (you switch to another service) massive solar and wind turbines threaten many species and ruin the landscape.
