Solar eclipse: image of April 20, total in France, when?

Solar eclipse image of April 20 total in France when

An eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are perfectly aligned. A hybrid solar eclipse occurred on the night of April 19-20, 2023. Images have been shared.

[Mise à jour le 20 avril 2023 à 17h12] An eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are perfectly aligned. The last solar eclipse visible in France took place on October 25, 2022. An eclipse took place in the night April 19-20. It was a hybrid eclipsea type ofrare eclipse which begins with an annular eclipse and ends with a total solar eclipse. She wasn’t not visible in France but pictures were shared on social media of the eclipse which was total in Australia:

As a reminder, do not look directly at the Sun, without special glasses with filter film (to CE standards), a solarscope (screen projection) or an astronomy instrument during an eclipse. Sunglasses are not enough: risks for the retina (serious retinal damage) are very real, so be careful!

Definition: what is an eclipse?

The term “eclipse” comes from the verb “eclipse” synonymous with “hide”. A solar eclipse takes place when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. The three stars are therefore perfectly aligned, which leads to the temporary disappearance of the Sun in the shadow of the Moon. There are several types of eclipse:

  • The total eclipse: the star disappears completely
  • The partial eclipse: the star partially disappears
  • The annular eclipse: it is a partial eclipse which reveals a ring of the star (like that of Thursday June 10, 2021)

Diagram of a solar eclipse

Diagram of a solar eclipse © Sergey Sizkov – 123RF

What are the dates of the eclipses in 2023? Visible or not?

An eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are perfectly aligned. Here is the table of the next solar eclipses:

Solar eclipse dateHour of maximum visibility (Paris)Eclipse type
April 20, 2023Non visibleTotal
October 14, 2023Non visibleAnnular
April 8, 2024Non visibleTotal
October 2, 2024Non visibleAnnular
March 29, 202512:01Partial

What is the date of the next total eclipse in France?

The next total solar eclipse In France metropolitan will take place on September 3, 2081.

Can you watch an eclipse without glasses?

No. If looking directly at the sun can be dangerous for the eyes, during a solar eclipse it is even more true because the luminosity changes suddenly with the reappearance of the solar disk. “Ultraviolet and infrared rays from the sun can irreversibly burn the retinaassures Dr. Monique Quillard, general practitioner. All you have to do is stare at the sun for a few seconds. The phenomenon is all the more dangerous as it is painless. Victims of this type of burn will not realize it until a few hours later, with the onset of severe headaches. Children must be especially protected. Their eyes are more fragile than those of adults, because the lens allows more rays to pass. People with eye disease must also be very vigilant and protect themselves. So no eclipse without glasses!

What glasses to wear to watch an eclipse?

eclipse glasses
Eclipse telescope © melastmohican-123rf

Of the “special eclipse” glasses are sold out a few days before the event. You will find them at the big type brands. Nature&Discovery, Fnac or Decathlon, or from tobacconists and newsagents. They are generally sold between 2 and 3 euros each. Make sure they wear the CE marking (European Community) and a INRS reference number. It is advisable to use only new glasses to avoid any risk of deterioration of the surface after long storage, without special protection, in our homes, advises the Paris Observatory.

► Do not make your own glasses by observing the sun through a CD or an X-ray. Similarly, conventional sunglasses are not sufficient and will not protect your eyes.

What are the differences between solar and lunar eclipse?

The solar eclipse differs from the lunar eclipse which occurs when the Earth slips between the Moon and the Sun.

How to watch an eclipse with sheets of paper?

To take no risk, the easiest way is to observe the eclipse by projection. “At home, take two sheets of white paper. Make a pinhole in the center of one of the pieces. With your back to the sun, hold the sheet with the pinhole facing you, so that the sun shines through the pinhole and reflects off the other sheet of paper. An image of the eclipse will be projected on the second sheet. The quality of the solar eclipse you can observe with this simple device is truly amazing.“, recommends Dr. Quillard. The “solarscope” is a practical and inexpensive means (device available in specialized shops).

Thanks to Dr Monique Quillard, general practitioner.
