Soha, 24, died in the bombing in Uppsala

Soha Saad, 24, died when a bomb detonated at her home in Uppsala on Thursday.
She had nothing to do with the gang conflict – but became the latest victim of the wave of violence.
– She really was such a nice person. She was such a kind person who helped everyone, says best friend Ghada.

It was at a quarter to four on the night of Thursday that the police received several alarms about a loud bang in a residential area outside Uppsala. On the spot, the police found that some kind of explosion had occurred.

One more person could be brought to the record of the many lives harvested in the ongoing wave of violence. But beyond statistics, analyzes and tougher measures, there are broken families that have changed forever.

Soha Saad was only 24 years old. Her family tells TV4 Nyheterna that she was a caring young woman who was just about to enter adulthood.

She wanted to help create change for the younger generation – and had recently graduated. She was a trained teacher and would educate a new generation of children at primary school level.

Last Thursday 13:41

Friend: “Still can’t believe it”

Best friend: “Ambitious and helpful”

She graduated with her best friend Ghada.

– They must find a solution, innocent people should not have to die. A 24-year-old woman should not have to die, says Ghada.

She describes the best friend as an “ambitious and helpful girl”, who constantly wanted to develop.

– She really was such a nice person. She was such a kind person who helped everyone.

Publication of picture and name has taken place with the family’s approval.
