Monday, March 10 Adana Volunteer during an event at the Writers House machinist Sabri Şenevi had an unfortunate accident. His own documentary and film was published in the event, while the soda was distributed as a result of the explosion of the cover was injured. After the incident, Şenevi applied to the hospital for treatment.
“The bottle suddenly exploded while opening the second soda with a spoon”
Şenevi describing the incident, “Ismail Görkem’in organized a program. Hüseyin Baltacı’nın Sabri’nın Sabri’nin we were going to show. Then we were going to watch Metin Erksan’s Kuyu movie. As a part of the program, we planned to distribute soda to the audience. Daha sonra sorumlu kişiye yönelerek ikinci şişeyi açmaya çalıştım. Ancak ikinci gazozu kaşıkla açarken şişe aniden patladı. Gazozun kapağı büyük bir basınçla gözüme çarptı. O an çok büyük bir ağrı hissetmedim, ama gözüm puslu görmeye başladı. Film gösterimi devam etti ve ben de gösterime devam ettim. Ancak görme yetim giderek azalıyordu. Gece olduğunda gözüm tamamen kapandı ve hiçbir şey göremez hale geldim. Sabah hastaneye gittik. Şehir Hastanesi’nde yatış It was not made, the beds were full of Ismail Abi. My treatment process started here, drops were given. Over time, my eyes started to open slowly, but I still see blurry. The doctor said that there was blood collection in my eyes and that this would improve with the drops. We hope the orphan will be completely recovered within a month. I did not have any surgery in this process, “he said.
“There was bleeding as a result of a blow that hit my forehead before”
Şenevi, “Previously cinema During the screening, I had small accidents, bleeding was a result of a blow to my forehead. But they can’t stop me. They say, “When you don’t come out, there’s no habit,” and I will continue their film screenings. I hope my eye will heal completely and I will continue my way without sacrificing my passion for cinema, “he said.
Şenevi, who has been interested in cinema business since the age of 6-7, said that the machinists accumulate films and posters and formed an archive. Şenevi, who stated that he had established a small cinema since then, said that he was screening a film every day.