socialist Raphaël Glucksmann reveals “his vision for the EU”

socialist Raphael Glucksmann reveals his vision for the EU

The head of the Socialist Party – Public Place list in the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann, currently third in the polls, revealed, on the evening of Wednesday April 24, during a meeting in Strasbourg, “ his vision for the European Union “. A speech intended to be a counterpoint to that delivered by Emmanuel Macron on April 25, whose head of the list, Valérie Hayer, is threatened with a third place by the dynamics of the socialist candidate in the polls.

2 mins

It’s not a program yet electoral, but in front of a packed room of 700 seats, Raphaël Glucksmann develops his “Europe 2030” plan. There are three main political axes: and first of all, defense, in the hypothesis of a Europe abandoned by the United States of Trump in the face of Vladimir Putin. “ We proposesaid the candidate, the establishment of a defense fund of 100 billion euros, financed by a new European loan. What Europe did in the face of the pandemic, it must be able to do in the face of war. »

Countering Chinese imports

Then ecology, to wake up industry and counter Chinese imports, but also from the Gulf petromonarchies: “ We must introduce drastic climate rules, launch a sovereign fund with 200 billion euros per year and finally set up the Capital Markets Union. »

And finally, solidarity, what he calls creating a European public power, as – for example – on the theme of housing: “ Impose rules, do not let prices soar, do not let the financialization of housing progress. »

We are not goldfish »

Then comes the time of the attacks, they are mainly reserved for President Macron. Raphaël Glucksmann criticizes him for his procrastination in the Ukrainian crisis, but also goes on the national level: “ We are not goldfish. We remember the immigration law and the pension reform. »

Shortly before Emmanuel Macron’s entry into the campaign, Raphaël Glucksmann intends to appear the most pro-European of the pro-Europeans.

Read alsoSpeech on Europe at La Sorbonne: Is Emmanuel Macron entering the campaign?
