Social Impact Banking, from Unicredit a 70 million euro loan to RealStep

Social Impact Banking from Unicredit a 70 million euro loan

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – RealStep, real estate development and transformation company specializing in the sustainable urban regeneration of former industrial sites, announces that it has obtained a loan of 70 million euro by UniCredit. Delivery is within schedule Social Impact Banking Of UniCreditwanted by the Banking Group to support initiatives and projects carried out with the clear intention of generating a positive and measurable social impact.

Thanks to partnership between RealStep and UniCredit, an important regeneration of a complex of industrial buildings will take place in the coming months. The area – explains Unicredit in a note – will be returned to the neighborhood and the city as a multifunctional, efficient and sustainable campus, while preserving its architectural historicity. The operation is part of a larger regeneration project which will see the Chartreuse District transform with a new mix of offices, restaurants, shops and green spaces accessible to all residents of the neighborhood. Among the users of the project, the Whirlpool’s new EMEA headquarters of approximately 7,000 m2.

Moreover, Triads srl Benefit company, spin-off of the Politecnico di Milanoborn from the experience gained from TIRESIA research center on the topics of hybrid entrepreneurship, sustainable finance and social impact measurement, he will monitor the effects of ongoing redevelopment and measure the derived social impacts.

The social impact financing has additional social impact objectives as prerequisites, the achievement of which will be monitored year after year until the project is completed in 2025, when the increase in the livability of the neighborhood and, more generally, in the quality of life will have to be verified. Focused on the local community, the regeneration project will preserve the history and character of the area, while promoting a vibrant neighborhood, stimulating new economic opportunities and jobs, while promoting social cohesion and environmental sustainability on the model of the “Milan-City of 15 minutes”.

“For more than two decades – he declared Stefano Sirolli, CEO of RealStep SICAF – we work to restore former industrial areas or areas in a state of abandonment and decay to the urban fabric, and our choice of Certosa went precisely in this direction, we have been present in the area for years and we think we have already left a positive impression . Today, this funding is valid for us as a recognition but even more it will give us the opportunity to measure how much, through our activities, the life of that area can be impacted in a positive way”.

“We are very proud,” he said Marco Bortoletti, Lombardy regional manager of UniCredit – to contribute to a sustainable urban regeneration process that is so important for the city of Milan and to collaborate with a reality like RealStep with which we share important values ​​such as the transition towards a green and sustainable economy. Sustainability is a tangible aspect that is now present every day, both in the environmental and social fields. Companies like Realstep are social actors of change and contribute to building a sustainable future. We embrace this important urban regeneration project, financed by us with recourse to subsidized funding, also because it is fully consistent with the ESG objectives pursued by UniCredit through the Impact Financing offer with which we want to contribute to the development of a more equitable and inclusive society.” .

The project of Certosa District by RealStep also includes La Forgiatura, the sustainable and carbon free campus, already active in via Varesina, which has attracted several dynamic companies and industry leaders to the neighborhood, including Medtronic, Zeiss, VF, UCB Pharma, Sandvik, Schuco, Schaeffler, DesignTech and Expression Parfumées, who have moved their headquarters here. Certosa District will become an important multifunctional district, capable of interacting with the urban and social fabric, covering a strategic position of connection between Porta Nuova and the Mind, thanks to the Certosa Station and the future Milanese Circle Line.
