So your bus ticket will be much more expensive – increased more than planned

Region Sörmland needs to save money, but also increase revenues in various areas. One such is the money you get for the bus tickets that Sörmlanstrafiken sells.

More expensive tickets

It is routine to calculate the tariff for the ticket prices every year and such was planned this year as well, but when the difficult economic situation was discovered in the spring, the first proposal was withdrawn for a second look at the officials.

– Now in August came a revised proposal that is slightly higher, says Mattias Claesson (C), regional councilor with special responsibility for public transport.

For example, a single ticket with the city buses will be three kroner more expensive and a 30-day ticket for the entire county will be kroner 40 more expensive.

Pause function is scrapped

According to the proposal, the pre-purchase discount in the app is also to be scrapped and the so-called pause function is proposed to be scrapped. The function is described in the region’s transparency as beneficial for the customer but as a challenge “from a revenue and development perspective”.

According to Mattias Claesson (C), Sörmland was alone in Sweden in offering the ticket variant.

– It also has to do with the fact that we are procuring a new ticket system and that function is difficult to get into the structure, says Claesson.
