So you get free coffee from OKQ8 on your birthday

So you get free coffee from OKQ8 on your birthday

When it’s a birthday, many people appreciate being pampered with both song, cake and gifts.

Many people celebrate their birthday by eating cake, or some other yummy birthday snack. Some even invite loved ones to an event to celebrate the big day.

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The ICA store gives away free coffee to all customers

Offers customers free coffee and coffee bread

News24 has previously written about Ica, which offers its regular customers a free cake on their birthday, to mark the day. The food giant Willys also gives away a free cake or cookie when their customers have a birthday.

Even the gas station OKQ8 now wants to pay attention to its customers on the big day, with a free birthday coffee. But not all customers get a birthday coffee from the deli.

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The ICA store’s smart move makes customers cheer: “Brilliant idea”

That’s how you get a free birthday coffee from OKQ8

The birthday coffee consists of coffee and coffee bread, and to partake of it you only need to scan a QR code that you received by email.

To receive an email with a QR code and a free birthday coffee, you need to be a member of club OK.

This is how you get a free cake from Willys on your birthday – a trick many miss
