So you get a pacifier right away when you fish

So you get a pacifier right away when you fish

Fishing can take patience. For more experienced anglers, the hours spent out on the water are enjoyable regardless of whether a fish is caught on the hook, but for slightly more eager beginners it can feel boring not to catch a bite.

But how do you actually get a pacifier? The angler has it Victor Sandberg the answer to.

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There are fish here – according to the expert

Victor Sandberg has previously shown how to fish with a fishing pole. For TV4 he then told me that there are certain places where fish abound. If you want to get a pacifier, this is where you should start.

An example of such a place is marinas.

– There are often a lot of fish in these areas, he then told TV4.

READ MORE: Do you want a pacifier? Fish here – according to the expert

Victor Sandberg with a Trout from the Vättern. Photo: Private.

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So you get a pacifier straight away

However, that is not the only tip that Victor Sandberg has, but for News24 he shares more tricks that can increase the chances during the fishing trip.

He personally appreciates both the days when he catches fish and the times when things are a little slower.

– It is very easy to get started with fishing, but at the same time it is possible to complicate it with specific fishing techniques. But the absolute hardest thing is that sometimes it doesn’t matter how well you fish, the fish still don’t want to bite. It can be very frustrating, but at the same time is part of the charm, says Victor Sandberg to Nyheter24.

So what is the secret to attracting fish? Well, according to Victor Sandberg, it’s all about fishing at the right depth with a good bait.

– If you just want to get a bite, my tip is to fish with a fishing rod from a dock. Another tip is to use a small hook and try to fish close to the bottom. Feel free to bait the hook with worm or bread.


Anglers are sentenced to prison – put lead weights in the catch

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