So you get 1,700 more a month in pension

So you get 1700 more a month in pension

A report from the Pensions Authority shows that the new tax rules introduced on 1 January 2024 will have a major impact on the pension, depending on how long you choose to work.

This means that those who choose to continue working after 66 will receive significantly more in pension. And the longer you work, the bigger the difference in your wallet. Here you can read the entire Pension Authority’s report on the new rules for tax and pensions in 2024.

Pension payment 2024: Here are the dates when the money will arrive

This is how your pension is affected by working until you are 68

As an example, a person with a monthly salary of SEK 35,500 is used, who receives SEK 22,500 if the pension is withdrawn at the age of 66.

If you then choose to work until you are 67, you will receive SEK 1,700 more per month.

If you instead work until you are 68, your pension will be SEK 3,000 higher per month.

Here you can read about how your pension is affected if you work until you are 68.

This is how you increase your pension by SEK 7,000 a month

If you choose to work even longer, until the age of 69, the difference becomes even greater. Your pension will then be increased by SEK 4,900 a month.

Anyone who is able to work until they are 70 years old gets a whopping SEK 7,100 more per month in pension.

Here you can read more about how you can increase your pension by SEK 4,900 a month.

Source: The Swedish Pensions Agency

All amounts in the article apply monthly for life, before tax.

Source: The Swedish Pensions Agency.

Here is the supplement that can give you SEK 7,290 more per month.
