So you can improve the speed of your sports performance

Speed ​​is a basic prerequisite for achieving success in many sporting achievements. In everything from team sports such as football and hockey, to individual sports such as running and swimming, speed plays a decisive role. But how do you train it effectively? Here’s an in-depth guide on how to improve your speed, no matter what sport you play.

Understand the principles of speed training

The first step to improving your speed is to understand the basic principles. Physical speed can be divided into two main components: strength and technique. Strength generally gives you the ability to move quickly, while technology allows you to use this strength more efficiently.

Increase your strength

To improve your speed, it is important to build your strength. This can be done through a combination of weight lifting, plyometrics (jumps and quick movements) and sprint training. By building muscle mass and improving your explosive strength, you will be able to move faster.

Optimize your technology

No matter what sport you play, good technique will enable you to utilize your strength in the most efficient way. By practicing specific movement patterns and workflows, you can increase your speed without necessarily increasing your physical strength. In running, it can vary greatly from how you place your feet at the running step to how you swing your arms.

The value of proper diet and rest

To maximize your training results, you also need to eat right and make sure you get enough rest. A diet rich in protein can help build muscle and support recovery after exercise. Carbohydrates are also important because they provide quick energy for intense training sessions. Sleep is another important factor, as it is during periods of rest that muscles actually grow and strengthen.

Create a training plan that supports your goals

Once you have the basics in mind, it’s time to create a concrete training plan. This should include a balance of strength training, technique exercises and time for recovery. Remember that improvement is gradual, so be patient and allow your body to rest and recover between workouts.


Improving your speed is an investment that takes time and commitment. But by following these basic principles and adapting them to your specific needs and goals, you’ll have all the tools you need to start improving your performance on the field, on the track, or in the swimming pool. No matter what sport you practice, you will notice a difference!

common questions

How can I improve my speed?

To improve your speed, you can focus on increasing your strength through weightlifting, plyometrics and sprint training. By building muscle mass and improving your explosive strength, you can move faster. You can also optimize your technique by practicing specific movement patterns and workflows. It’s important to create a training plan that supports your goals and includes time for recovery.

How does diet affect my speed?

Diet plays an important role in improving your speed. A diet rich in protein can help build muscle and support recovery after exercise. Carbohydrates are also important because they provide quick energy for intense workouts. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet will contribute to your performance on the field.

How much rest do I need to improve my speed?

Rest is essential to improving your speed. During periods of rest, muscles grow and strengthen. Sleep is particularly important for recovery. It is recommended that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. To avoid overtraining and injuries, it is also important to give the body time to recover between training sessions.

How long does it take to improve his speed?

The improvement in speed varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including your starting level, commitment, training plan and genetics. However, it is important to be patient and consistent in your training. With repeated and targeted workouts, you can expect to see improvements within a few weeks to several months.

What are the best exercises to improve speed?

There are many different exercises that can help improve your speed. Some examples include sprint intervals, jump rope, jump drills, plyometrics, and quick-footed drills. It is important to choose exercises that are relevant to your sport and that focus on developing explosiveness and speed in your muscles and movements.
