International Women’s Day on March 8 is historically one day when it is demonstrated and demands for equality and justice are highlighted. In Sweden, the day has been recognized regularly since the 1970s. Demonstrations were also carried out this year, including at Sergel’s square in Stockholm. But it was not in as much support as in previous years.
On the cultural pages, writers asked Even who killed feminism. And maybe it’s a sign in time.
In four years, the proportion of young Swedes, between the ages of 15 and 24, who describes themselves as feminists has dropped from 34 to 24 percent, as per year Report from the Youth Barometer Which came in February.
Demonstrations and marches
Around the world, it was demonstrated at least on Saturday, for freedom, equal pay and sexual and reproductive rights, from Central and South America- including Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Brazil and Argentina- to a long line of countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. In India and Turkey, women protested against violence and sexual violence against women.
Even in the United States and Canada, people, including signs about abortion law, democracy and against the Trump administration.
Ahead of this year’s Women’s Day, the UN agency UN Women this week came up with a reportwhich shows that women’s rights are in decline in a quarter of the countries of the world. Every ten minutes, a girl or woman is killed by a partner or family member, according to the report. And over the past decade, conflict -related violence has increased by 50 percent.
“Globally, women’s human rights are under attack. Instead of integrating equal rights, we see how the hatred of women become more mainstream, ”said UN Secretary -General António Guterres in a statement.