So the weather will be this weekend – SMHI warns of strong winds

So the weather will be this weekend SMHI warns

SMHI has issued several weather warnings for the weekend, including a yellow warning for hard to very harsh winds in Jämtlandsfjällen and Härjedalsfjällen. The wind is expected to be southern to southwest and add on Saturday, with wind gusts that can reach up to 16-22 meters per second. Those who are not used to mountain conditions are encouraged to set their mountain rides as snow reefs can make visibility poor and the winds increase the risk of freezing at minus degrees.

At the same time, SMHI has issued breeze warnings for the coastal areas and out on the sea, where the winds can also become strong over the weekend. The weather conditions involve a risk of very windy weather, and on the calf mountains the warning applies all Saturday.

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Here it gets coldest

The coldest is expected to be in Norrbotten.

– It may be 20 minus degrees, but the temperature will rise over the weekend and the cold will be dampened on Saturday and Sunday, says Maria Svedestigmeteorologist at SMHI, to News24.

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Here gets the hottest

Parts of Götaland, especially Gotland, will have milder temperatures with a temperature of about 5-6 plus degrees.

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Risk of slipping

In addition to the strong winds, SMHI also warns of slipping over the weekend. Above all, it will be slippery in Svealand and Norrland during the night, which increases the risk of accidents on the roads.

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