So reality icon Claudia Obert became famous

So reality icon Claudia Obert became famous

She is one of the best-known women on German reality TV: Luxury lady Claudia Obert (63). No matter in which show the Trash Diva appears, it always leaves a lasting impression. Currently she is up to mischief at celebrities under palm trees. Some love them for their zotent sayings that others find that they are a bad role model for the youth. We’ll tell you where you know Claudia from.

Scandal noodle through and through: In reality TV, Claudia Obert is in her element

Claudia Obert is a real original on reality TV. The Hamburg native is always known to say what she thinks and sometimes to beat the strands. Obert’s biggest trademark: Your uninhibited openness in terms of sex, money and alcohol. She loves chatting out of the sewing box and surprising her fellow human beings with slippery anecdotes from her love life. The scandal appearances in reality TV are not embarrassing; Obert likes to take himself on the shovel.

Nevertheless, the Trash icon is criticized, because for years it has been ahead of her call to glorify its high alcohol consumption in reality TV. The broadcasters do the rest and stage them as a drinking party queen, which always steams through the scenery. Therefore, the rumor persists that Obert is alcoholic. In 2024, she refuted this in the RTL interview. Her shaky constitution is due to medication that she takes because of an illness: “This tremor is of these tablets, not of alcohol.”

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Before the reality career: So Claudia Obert became famous

What hardly anyone knows: Claudia Obert likes to present himself as a zoty trash diva, But behind the scenes she is a tough businesswoman, which leads a large team of employees. Already in the 90s, Obert founded her own fashion label, then there were their own boutiques in Hamburg and Berlin. So she turned into a self-made millionairewho attracted the local press with their frivolous appearance.

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At the beginning of the 2010s, the first smaller TV appearances followed in which Claudia Obert skilfully staged- Luxury lady pounding as sayings, which squeezes their millions for shampus and young men. She had her first bigger appearance on TV in 2012 at the perfect celebrity dinner, in 2017 she will make a name for herself at celebrity Big Brother. She became known to a large audience in 2020 in the first season of celebrities under palm trees, When she got into a violent bitch war with Desirée Nick – and had to endure heavy bullying. (Reading everything about the shocking bullying drama.) Currently, Obert can be seen under palm trees again.

Streaming & TV broadcast: Then celebrities run under palm trees

After the show has paused for many years, it is back on TV. Celebrities under palm trees run every Monday at 8:15 p.m. on Sat.1. If you don’t want to wait that long, you can switch on joyn+. The latest episode can be seen here a week before the TV broadcast.
