So many die prematurely from alcohol and tobacco

So many die prematurely from alcohol and tobacco

The authority also says that the risk of dying looks very different. Among other things, it is noted that mortality is between three and five times higher among people with a short education compared to those with a longer education.

“There are big differences in injuries between different groups,” says the Director General of the Public Health Agency Karin Tegmark Wisell in the press release.

FHM states that more and more children are being treated for a drug diagnosis in healthcare. The number of elderly people who are treated for, for example, addiction to alcohol or drugs is also increasing.

“Mortality in the population aged 15 and over has in most cases decreased among men, while it has remained unchanged or increased among women,” the report states.

The authority has looked at deaths that occurred in 2022 and among people aged 15–65.
