So Lasse can live on 8000 per month

The carbon dioxide hunter lives on 8000 per month: “Much more difficult than I thought”

Lasse Nilsson lives at SEK 8,000 per month.
He succeeds through careful planning and in 2024 he bought only food for SEK 1,100.
“It’s the dumpstring that solves this,” he says after five.

Lasse Nilsson is a carbon dioxide hunter, which is about buying as little as possible in order to reduce its climate imprint, which Today’s News have reported. He does this, among other things, by dumping, ie looking for food in garbage rooms and containers.

– It’s a bit of a people sport for quite a few, he says.

That way he got away with only spending SEK 1100 on food last year. He spent more money going to the dentist: SEK 1600. But saving money is not his goal of dumping.

– I understand that it feels pretty much for many, but for me the drive point has been to chase my impression, he says and adds:

– It feels even more fresh to throw so much edible and nice food that is out there. It’s not very fresh everywhere, but it’s not as sunny as many people think.

“Much more difficult than I thought”

The Paris Agreement strives to limit the heating to 1.5–2 degrees, which requires emissions per person not to exceed one ton by 2050. And that is precisely this goal he wanted to reach.

– The journey started so, what if I approach my own carbon imprint in the same way that people approach their finances?

If you run out of money, you have to adapt your finances, he explains. What if people start thinking about their carbon dioxide impression in the same way?

– I wanted to play a little with what happens if I see a ton as the maximum I should release in a year. But it was much, much more difficult than I thought.

Lasse Nilsson’s expenses in 2024

SEK 70,000: Apartment + colony (fees, interest, nets, electricity, insurance etc)
SEK 7,000: Sailboat
SEK 5,500: Repair/Purchase: (Bicycle/Phone/Refrigerator/Rainscape/Headphones)
SEK 3 200: Travel (5 domestic round trip, 1 round trip to Germany by ferry)
SEK 2,500: Culture (bio/concert/cold bath)
SEK 2,000: Restaurant/Bar/Systembolaget (3 occasions)
SEK 1,600: Dental care
SEK 1 100: Donation to organizations
SEK 1 100: Food
Total: SEK 94,000 (just over SEK 7,830 per month)
Source: Dagens Nyheter

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