So it would have looked if Corona hadn’t crossed the brilliant plans

So it would have looked if Corona hadnt crossed the

Fans have followed the Winchester brothers’ adventures in Supernatural for 15 years. With all the ups and downs, the 2020 series came to its degree-in the middle of Corona pandemic. Above all, the pandemic was affected The last two episodesbecause when they were rotated, the requirements were strictest. The original plan, in which many stars would have been gathered, had to be limited to a minimum.

So the true end of supernatural should look

Co-showrunner and producer Andrew Dabb spoke to Entertainment Weekly that the final of the series had to be changed. The basic idea of ​​the last episodes had been preserved. Dean (Jensen Ackles) came into the sky in both versions and Sam (Jared Padalecki) could live on with his wife and children until the brothers were reunited after his death in heaven. You can find more about this in our overview article about the end of Supernatural.

But The scene in heaven should look different.

In the broadcast, the Winchesters meet on a bridge, look into the distance and behind them is the iconic impala. According to Andrew Dabb, reunification was not just between the brothers, but planned with many known faces.

As [Produzent] Bob Singer and I sat down to talk about season 15 and our inevitable ending, we remembered something that felt like a suitable version of Sams and Deans Himmel: All people who had hit the boys on their way (or at least those we were able to convince to fly to Vancouver) crowded in a reconstructed roadhouse while the band Kansas (official, official, Unofficial) Title song played: Carry on Wayward Son.

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Due to the quarantine restrictions during Corona, the stars involved would have before two weeks in quarantine in Vancouver have to stay before they could have come to the set. For a planned half day work, this would have become far too complex and expensive. This had to restrict the end. A

n A big meeting at a concert was out of the question in the high phase of the Corona restrictions.

Misha Collins had another idea that is only about Castiel in the end

Misha Collins, who was not visible in the last episodes of the series, gave Convention 2024 another alternative to the bestas he would have thought. Accordingly, his figure Castiel would have become an absolute main character in the last episodes and the “supporting characters” Sam and Dean would simply have disappeared in the background.

According to his joking idea, he also shared what the producers had planned for the final. We would have loved to see this filled roadhouse of Dean and in memories at the end of the series.

More about Supernatural:

Nevertheless, the ultimately turned and broadcast final of Supernatural felt like a round thing – with Two brothers, a car and the epic rock soundtrack.
