So is Olivia and Adam’s relationship today after Bachelorette

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Adam Edgren got Olivia Birgersson’s last rose in Bachelorette Sweden 2022. But what happened after the recordings of the program? Are Olivia and Adam together today? The answer to that question is yes! In the last episode, we learn that Olivia and Adam are a couple – and Olivia tells TV4 that they are still together today.

Now the couple no longer have to hide their relationship.

– Now we don’t need to have as many secrets. We can finally go shopping together, move more freely. We enjoy each other’s company very well, so for us it hasn’t been the whole world to have to stay at home. But both are very social and like to be outside, she says.

Olivia about the future together with Adam

She looks forward to seeing what the future with Adam has to offer.

– Partly, I want to continue to build on what we already have, but also that we should get to live a life after all this. That we should continue to develop together, says Olivia.

Today, Adam and Olivia live together, and it has been like that almost ever since they came back to Sweden.

– We have tried living with both. First with him, then with me and now we are back with him again.

Such is Adam’s relationship with the family today

And of course you’re a little curious about how Olivia’s family received Adam, given that he wasn’t exactly either grandmother’s, mother’s, or sister’s favorite?

– Now we’re best bros, shouts twin sister Amanda in the background.

– Adam is not good at first impressions, we have established that. But now he has come more into the family. He just needed to warm up, Olivia laughs.

In the player above, you can hear Olivia and Adam talk about their relationship today.
