Full screens ice than snow on the trail between Umasjö and Lake Tärnasjön in Västerbotten. The picture taken earlier this week. Photo: County Administrative Board Västerbotten
Snow shortage and open streams are currently making it challenging to get on several ski and scooter trails to the mountains. The Council is: Update yourself about the situation before embarking on a longer trip.
The western mountain chain has had recurring mild weather with rain this winter and it has led to streams going up and the snow cover melted away.
– It has not really recovered after these mild weather. It is still difficult, and conditions are more similar to how it is usually late in the spring or early autumn, says Per-Olov Wikberg, coordinator at the Fjällsafärädet.
Warning for blank ice
The county administrative boards in Jämtland and Västerbotten warn on their websites that there is non -existent snow in their quarters, open streams and streams and blank ice. The County Administrative Board in Norrbotten writes in an email to TT that its review of the state joints is ongoing and will be completed next week. But even in Norrbotten there is some snow, a lot of ice on the ground and open streams.
The advice to sports holidays and others who intend to go out on the mountain, on scooters or skis, is to first tune in with local residents, tourist agencies or housing facilities about the local conditions.
The Swedish mountain rescue’s national organization also calls in a press release to seek local information about the current ice and snow situation.
-The conditions can be challenging, especially if you intend to travel longer distances on the calf mountain, says Per-Olov Wikberg.
The snow shortage mainly affects snowmobile skiers, because it is forbidden to drive where the ground is not well -covered and it may be necessary to turn. Skiers may have to take detours to find snow fields or bridges over watercourses.
Per-Olov Wikberg points out that the ski resorts did not report any problems. It is out in the mountains that conditions are challenging.