SNCF strike: traffic forecasts for Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December

SNCF strike traffic forecasts for Saturday 24 and Sunday 25

SNCF STRIKE. From Friday December 23 to Sunday December 25, 2022, 3 out of 5 TGVs, 2 out of 3 Ouigos and one out of two TERs will be in circulation on average due to the mobilization of controllers. What disturbances in detail? How to get a refund or exchange your train ticket?

The essential

  • The collective of controllers (CNA) supported by the unions CGT Cheminots and Sud Rail, called for a strike at the SNCF this weekend from Christmas, from Friday December 23 to Monday December 26, 2022 in the morning. The controllers are asking SNCF management to be made aware of the specificity of their function and answers to the deterioration of working conditions and the evolution of their remuneration.
  • This Friday, December 23, 2022, on the main lines, 2 TGV out of 3, 3 Ouigo out of 4 and 1 TER out of 2 will be in circulation and the connections to Spain and Italy will be slightly disrupted. View all disruptions line by line using our summary.
  • On Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December, 3 out of 5 TGVs will run, 2 out of 3 Ouigos, and 3 out of 4 Intercités. TERs may also be locally disrupted. View all disruptions with our summary.
  • Another strike notice runs over the New Year weekend, from Friday December 30, 2022 to Monday January 2, 2023, the last day of school holidays included.
  • Users whose TGV is canceled are notified by email or SMS, provided they have provided their contact details, and can be reimbursed up to 200% of the price of the ticket via a form soon to be online.


15:31 – The government asks the strikers “to give up” and “to hear the legitimate request of the French”

Government spokesman Olivier Véran asked the SNCF agents “who have announced that they want to strike” to “give it up” and “to hear the legitimate request of the French to be able to find their family in good conditions”, at the end of the Council of Ministers this Thursday noon.

15:10 – A very costly strike

This strike at the SNCF, which falls very badly, will cause the SNCF to lose “probably a hundred million euros”, announced the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune. SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou has announced that he will pay “several tens of millions of euros” to offer 200% reimbursement to passengers on canceled trains.

14:55 – Is the New Year weekend threatened?

As a reminder, another notice runs over the New Year weekend, from Friday December 30, 2022 to Monday January 2, 2023. There will “necessarily” be canceled trains, estimated the secretary general of the Unsa-Ferroviaire union on France Info. However on RTL, the CEO of the SNCF Jean-Pierre Farandou assures that “it is still possible to prevent the weekend of New Year’s Day from being ruined”.

2:30 p.m. – 200% refund valid even for exchanged tickets!

Whether your deleted train is a TGV, Ouigo or Intercité, you can benefit from a voucher (available soon) whether your journey has been non-exchangeable and non-refundable or whether you have already exchanged it!

13:45 – “This is the 15th movement to affect the month of December since 2003”

In Apollo Morning Wednesday on RMC, the president of the European Federation of Travelers Michel Quidort denounced this new strike at the SNCF: “it is the 15th movement which affects the month of December since 2003, it becomes an unbearable litany”. “We have a collective of autonomous controllers, outside the unions, who negotiate with the management of the SNCF, but through interposed unions… We have never seen that. For the traveler, this induces inevitable stress, ruined holidays, the fact to have to refer with additional costs on the car, the coach, the plane…”

12:28 – How many travelers will be affected by the SNCF strike?

While 800,000 people must take the TGV, Ouigo, Intercités, TER and other international axes this weekend of December 24 and 25, the SNCF estimated that nearly 200,000 travelers should be impacted by the controllers’ strike. It is therefore nearly a quarter of rail users who will be concerned.

12:00 – What are the SNCF controllers asking for?

SNCF controllers claim “the same status of “driver” as train drivers”, who have “a smoother remuneration” with the integration in part of the bonuses they receive for each trip or when they sleep away from home, a unionized controller told Ouest-France.

11:38 – Who is behind this strike at the SNCF?

Rare fact at the SNCF: the unions are not at the origin of the strike movement of the controllers. “This movement does not start from unions, but from a collective of controllers created spontaneously”, indicated Rénald Szpitalnik, elected representative of the SUD-Rail union and controller at the Gare de Lyon in Paris, during an interview for Ouest. -France. This is the ASCT, a national collective of controllers which brings together 3,200 members on Facebook. Unsa, SUD-Rail, CFDT and FO locally then supported the movement.

11:14 – What about the weekend of December 31?

As a reminder, another short notice over New Year’s weekend, from Friday 30 December 2022 to Monday 2 January 2023. “It’s not too late for the weekend of January 1,” said SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou, who calls “for the sense of responsibility of the TGV board managers on strike”. “There is a fight that must be fought hour by hour, it is to avoid having major disruptions the following weekend, for the return from the holidays. We are working with Jean-Pierre Farandou so that this notice can be lifted”, announced the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune on France Info.

10:53 – No disruptions planned on the Normandy lines!

Good news for the Normandy region: “Train traffic will be normal this weekend on the Nomad train network, including the lines to and from Paris”, indicates a press release from the SNCF.

10:01 – Which axes will be most or least affected by the SNCF strike this weekend?

If on average three out of five TGVs will run on Saturday and Sunday, all axes will not be equal in the face of the SNCF strike. Thus on the East and South-East axes, three out of five trains will run, compared to one in two on the North and Atlantic axes and the province-province TGVs.

This Friday, December 23, 2022, 2 out of 3 TGVs and 3 Ouigo out of 4 are in circulation. In details, on the North axis : 1 train out of 2 in circulation (the Paris-Lille axis provides normal traffic). On the east axis : 3 trains out of 4 in circulation. On the Atlantic and Southeast axes : 2 out of 3 trains in circulation. If the traffic is normal on the Intercités, 1 TER out of 2 is in circulation on average this Friday, December 23, 2022. More information on the TER website.

The traffic disruptions have been announced in detail for the days of Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December 2022. Users whose TGV is canceled are notified by SMS or email, provided they have provided their contact details at the time of booking. . On the other hand, TER users are not notified personally. It will be necessary to check the traffic of the TER the day before its departure at 5 p.m. In detail, here are the forecasts on the different axes:

  • TGV disruptions : Saturday 24 December and Sunday 25 December, 3 out of 5 TGVs will circulate on average and 2 Ouigo out of 3. On the East and South-East axes : 3 trains out of 5 in circulation. On the North and Atlantic routes and the province-province TGVs : 1 train out of 2.
  • TER disturbances : Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December, “some disturbances” are expected locally. To monitor general regional train traffic disruptions, this page will be useful to you.
  • Intercity disruptions : Alone 3 out of 4 trains will run on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December. No night Intercity should run “the night of December 24 to 25”, said the SNCF.
  • Disruptions on international routes : Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December, traffic will be “almost normal” on the Eurostar and Thalys. Conversely, disruptions are expected on the other international routes: 3 out of 4 Lyria trains will circulate, 2 out of 3 TGVs between Italy and Franceand 1 in 2 between Spain and France. However, traffic will be normal towards Germany.

As compensation, the management of the SNCF announced to reimburse 200% all users whose TGV, Ouigo or Intercity is canceled during the strike, whether they have exchanged their ticket or not. This reimbursement takes the form of a voucher for twice the value of their ticket. SNCF indicated on Twitter that it would make “in the coming days” available to passengers who saw their train(s) canceled this weekend from December 23 to 26 in the morning an online form to claim the compensation they were promised.

The Christmas weekend strike notice runs until Monday, December 26, 2022 at 8 a.m. Thus, traffic will be normal on the TGV, Intercités and TER during the day of Monday, December 26, 2022. On the other hand, the traffic of Eurostar, between Paris and London, will be completely interruptedbecause of a English union RMT strike.
