SNCF strike: new dates announced in February 2023?

SNCF strike new dates announced in February 2023

SNCF STRIKE. As the mobilization of January 31, 2023 against the pension reform comes to an end, what can we expect in the coming days in SNCF transport?

[Mis à jour le 31 janvier 2023 à 15h24] After the big day of mobilization on Tuesday, January 31, the CGT Cheminots and SUD-Rail unions are already thinking about following the movement and have planned to meet this Tuesday evening to decide and announce the course to follow. Determined that the government at least back down on the postponement of the legal age to 64 and the extension of the duration of contributions, these unions have already promised “to debate the intensification of the action by two days consecutive strikes” which fall next week, the tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 February 2023. “And, in the absence of withdrawal of the text, to consider the strike renewable by periods of 24 hours from mid-February“.

When is the next SNCF strike against the pension reform?

The CGT Cheminots and SUD-Rail unions have warned that a renewal of the strike was already envisaged on tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 February 2023in order to “raise the balance of power”, i.e. during the school holidays of zone A which fall on Saturday February 4 and just before the departures for February holidays for zone B on Saturday February 11!

“Sometimes it is better not to have your train to go on vacation, but to have the possibility of retiring at 62, or even some 60, rather than having your train and finally being forced to work until 64. years, which the French do not want and the French are intelligent, they do not fall into the panel of the division”, had announced to BFM-TV the Sud-rail union representative Fabien Villedieu to the question of considering extending the strike during the winter holidays.

Are we heading towards an indefinite strike at the SNCF?

Are we about to relive December 2019? Remember, the SNCF and the RATP had, at the time, launched an indefinite strike against… the pension reform. “We will decide according to the extent of the mobilization”, warned Didier Mathis of Unsa-Ferroviaire on BFMTV. If for the time being, an indefinite strike does not yet seem to be on the agenda, some unions have warned that the option could be considered.
