SNCF strike: latest live news and forecasts for the Christmas weekend

SNCF strike latest live news and forecasts for the Christmas

SNCF STRIKE. SNCF controllers have been on strike since Friday 23 and until Monday 26 December 2022. On this Christmas weekend, traffic on TGVs, Intercités, TERs and international trains is disrupted.

The essential

  • A strike initiated by the National Collective of Controllers (CNA) and supported by the CGT Cheminots and Sud Rail unions is disrupting TGV, Ouigo and Intercités traffic from Friday evening December 23 to Monday morning December 26. 200,000 travelers had their train tickets canceled this weekend. Christmas.
  • Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December, 3 TGV out of 5, 2 Ouigo out of 3 and 3 Intercités out of 4 are in circulation. There are also local TER traffic disruptions. Accurate forecasts are quickly accessible thanks to our summary.
  • If your TGV, Ouigo or Intercités journey has been cancelled, you have been notified by SNCF by email or SMS, provided you have provided your contact details. In addition to exchanging your ticket free of charge in the event of a canceled train, or reimbursing you for your canceled journey, the company offers you compensation of up to 200% of the price of your ticket, due to this Christmas weekend. disturbed. For TGV and Intercités, a online form must be filled. The compensation will be sent automatically in the form of vouchers for travelers in Ouigo. Eurostar or Thalys journeys are not affected by this reimbursement.
  • Another strike notice was scheduled for the New Year weekend, from Friday December 30, 2022 to Monday January 2, 2023, but it was finally lifted on Friday December 23, after a meeting Thursday between SNCF management and the unions. , who eventually accepted the company’s proposals.


12:30 – What are the TER and Intercités traffic forecasts for this Saturday?

The TER are impacted at the local level this Saturday, December 24. Please note: unlike TGV users, TER users are not notified by email or SMS of the cancellation of their journey. To follow the general traffic disruptions of regional trains, you can consult this page.

The Intercités, which were not affected by the strike on Friday December 23, will experience disruptions this Christmas weekend. Here is the detailed Intercités traffic forecast for this weekend:

  • Intercités by day: 3 trains out of 4
  • Intercités on the night of December 24 to 25: no trains

11:45 – A form to fill out online to get a refund for your TGV or Intercités ticket

SNCF has announced that any TGV Inoui or Intercités canceled during this strike from December 23 to 26, 2022 will be reimbursed up to 200%. If on the Ouigo side, the process is automatic, via a voucher sent by email, on the TGV and Intercités side, you must register your compensation request via this online form. Please note that no financial compensation can be issued at the station or shop!

11:00 – What are the TGV traffic forecasts for this Saturday?

This Saturday, December 24, 2022, travelers on board TGV traveling on the East and South-East axis are the least affected by the strike by SNCF controllers. Here is the detailed forecast for the day.

  • East and South-East axis : three out of five TGVs in circulation
  • North, Atlantic and province-to-province axis : one out of two TGVs in circulation
  • Ouigo : two out of three trains

200,000 travellers, i.e. one in four travellers, will not be able to take their train (TGV or Intercités) this weekend from Thursday December 22 at 8 p.m. until Monday December 26 at 8 a.m. due to a national strike by SNCF controllers, which mainly impacts the high-speed TGV lines, where the skippers are the most unhappy.

The latter demanded an increase in salaries, an improvement in the course of careers and greater recognition of the specificities of the function, and they won their case since an agreement proposed by the management of the SNCF was signed on Friday 23 December, by the company unions. In particular, it provides for the creation of 200 additional captain positions and the formation of a specific management to bring together all the controllers under a single entity. In addition, the specific bonus for skippers will increase from 600 to 720 euros gross per year.

If the agreement was signed too late to avoid disruptions this Christmas weekend, another strike notice, filed from Friday December 30, 2022 to Monday January 2, 2023, was lifted on Friday December 23. People who were planning to take the train for the New Year weekend will therefore be able to travel with a free spirit.

On average, 3 out of 5 TGVs are in circulation this weekend, with disparities depending on the region. Travelers to the East and South-East of the country are among the least affected by this movement, since 3 out of 5 trains run on this axis. On the other hand, the North, Atlantic and province-to-province axes are the most disrupted, with 1 out of 2 TGVs in circulation. Users whose TGV is canceled are notified by SMS or email, provided they have provided their contact details at the time of booking.

The TERs are impacted locally during this Christmas weekend strike. Unlike TGV users, TER users are not notified personally. It is necessary to check the traffic of the TER the day before its departure at 5 p.m. To monitor general regional train traffic disruptions, this page will be useful to you.

If the Intercités were not affected by the strike on Friday December 23, they will be this Saturday December 24 and Sunday December 25, at the rate of 3 daytime Intercités out of 4. In addition, no night Intercités will run on the night of December 24 to 25, 2022. Users whose Intercités is canceled are notified by SMS or email, provided they have provided their contact details at the time of booking.

High-speed trains to Germany are not affected by this strike. The situation is complicated, however, on the high-speed line between France and Spain where only 1 train out of 2 is maintained. Between France and Italy, it takes 2 trains out of 3 on average. On the TGV Lyria which provide services to Switzerland, it takes 3 trains out of 4. Finally, on the Eurostar side, some slight disruptions are to be reported at the weekend but the situation will really go wrong on Monday, December 26: a strike English railway workers completely interrupted Paris-London traffic all day.

Saturday 24 December and Sunday 25 December, 3 out of 5 TGVs will circulate on average and 2 Ouigo out of 3. On the East and South-East axes : 3 trains out of 5 in circulation. On the North and Atlantic routes and the province-province TGVs : 1 train out of 2. On the Intercités side, only 3 out of 4 trains will run on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December. No Intercités de nuit will run “the night of December 24 to 25. On the international axis, traffic will be “almost normal” on the Eurostar and the Thalys. Conversely, disruptions are expected on the other international axes: 3 out of 4 Lyria trains will circulate, 2 out of 3 TGVs between Italy and Franceand 1 in 2 between Spain and France. However, traffic will be normal towards Germany. Finally, “some disturbances” are expected locally on the TER.

The controllers’ strike ends at 8 a.m. Monday. TGV, Intercités, TER and international train traffic should return to normal with the exception of the Paris-London Eurostar lines due to another strike by British railway workers. Result, all Eurostars are canceled on December 26, 2022.

As compensation, the management of the SNCF announced to reimburse 200% all users whose TGV, Ouigo or Intercity is canceled during the strike, whether they have exchanged their ticket or not. This reimbursement takes the form of a voucher for twice the value of their ticket. Depending on the type of ticket, proceed as follows to obtain a 200% refund:

  • TGV or Intercity ticket : the request for compensation is made online via this form. Eurostar and Thalys tickets are excluded from compensation.
  • Ouigo ticket : a voucher will be sent to you automatically by email in the next few days, valid for a next trip within one year.
  • TER ticket : the request can be made to the customer service of the region concerned via the “Services & Contacts” section of the site.

How do I know if my train has been canceled due to the SNCF strike?
