SNCF STRIKE. The date of January 31 is no longer the only one to keep in mind. Other SNCF strike days have been announced, before a renewable strike? The latest information.
[Mis à jour le 24 janvier 2023 à 20h29] If the inter-union, bringing together the CFDT, the CGT, FO, the CFE-CGC, the CFTC, the UNSA, Solidaires and FSU, called to mobilize the Tuesday, January 31, 2023 for a second day of strike against the pension reform, which she hopes will be as successful as that of January 19, at the SNCF, “a strike notice covering all GPU agents for the period from from Wednesday January 25, 2023 at 7 p.m. to Thursday February 2, 2023 at 8 a.m.“was filed, indicated on the evening of January 19 the CGT-Cheminots.
But already, Tuesday, January 24, the rest of the movement is taking shape. The CGT and Sud-Rail have indicated that they are calling for two more days of mobilization, the February 7 and 8 next. In addition, the two unions have announced that they are considering a renewable strike at the SNCF “from mid-February” if the government does not withdraw its pension reform project by then.
A strike notice was filed last week by the CGT-Cheminots for the period from Wednesday January 25, 2023 from 7 p.m. to Thursday February 2, 2023 at 8 a.m.. On Friday, the secretary general of the CGT-Cheminots Laurent Brun announced on RMC that the railway workers would mobilize beyond the date of January 31 proposed by the inter-union: “We are working on raising the level of mobilization at the railway workers and indeed, we will probably go beyond what is programmed by the confederal intersyndicales. “We are not at the testimonial, we are going to establish a balance of power as the government wishes because that is all it hears,” he added. “Not only do we want this reform to fail, but we would also like to go back to the previous reforms (…) As my comrades said: ‘Not only are we not giving up anything, but we are taking everything back.’ We want a start at 60 for everyone and 55 for difficult jobs.
“The question of the renewable strike is on the table”, confirmed on BFM TV the Sud-rail union representative Fabien Villedieu. And it was announced by the CGT Cheminots and SUD-Rail for the beginning of February, initially with two consecutive days February 7 and 8, 2023during school holidays in zone A and just before the February vacation departures for zone B.
“Sometimes it is better not to have your train to go on vacation, but to have the possibility of retiring at 62, or even some 60, rather than having your train and finally being forced to work until 64. years, which the French do not want and the French are intelligent, they do not fall into the trap of division”, replied to BFM-TV the Sud-rail union representative Fabien Villedieu to the question of considering extending the strike during the winter holidays.
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