Snapchat’s My AI conversation bot gives wrong answers

Snapchat warns its users against incorrect answers by the My AI bot. The bot has been giving wrong answers for the past week.

Earlier this year, Snapchat launched its own chatbot powered by ChatGPT, naming it My AI. However, Snapchat warned its subscribers. He stated that all artificial intelligence conversation bots like My AI can give wrong answers for some reason. My AI is designed to avoid biased, false, harmful or misleading information.

Concerns persist with My AI’s weirdness

CNN covered a story last week about My AI starting to act weird on Tuesday night. Usually, My AI answers questions from Snapchat users and gives speeches. But on Tuesday evening, My AI exhibited unpredictable behavior and worried users. Users thought the chatbot appeared to be self-conscious.

Among these odd behaviors was My AI sharing a video story with a wall and a ceiling. On social media, a Snapchat user asked, “Why is My AI’s story a video with a wall and ceiling?” he wrote. Another said, “This is very strange and, to be honest, frightening.” used the phrase. Snapchat finally announced that the My AI feature was not developed and that the suspicious and spooky photos in the app were simply the result of an error.

Snapchat’s version of ChatGPT allows users to choose a name for their conversation bot, design a custom bitmoji for it, and share My AI with friends. Talking to My AI feels like you’re talking to a friend, not an AI conversation bot. But users have been complaining about privacy concerns, “creepy dialogs” and the inability to remove the chatbot from their streams without buying a paid premium subscription.

The rise of My AI and security concerns

Snapchat’s My AI was designed to make conversational bots and human interactions more intimate. However, My AI’s sudden behavior changes and unexpected actions continue to raise security concerns among users.

This development brought up issues such as the rise of artificial intelligence and developing technology, personal data privacy and user control. Users are now questioning how safe the data they share through My AI and similar platforms is.
