Snam among the protagonists of the Pari project. Together against gender violence

Snam among the protagonists of the Pari project Together against

(Finance) – Snam is among the companies that support the new project Even. Together against gender violence, born from the synergy of eight companies and presented today in Milan in an event that saw numerous testimonies on one of the most current and urgent issues of contemporary society. The day, presented by radio host Matteo Caccia, was opened by Fabrizio RutschmannChief People and Corporate Services Officer of Snam and co-promoter of the network, who described the genesis and meaning of the project.

“The companies they play a crucial role in society: they are not just economic actors but communities of people where everyone leaves a mark, even externally, making the values ​​that the company itself promotes their own” – said Rutschmann -. We can make a significant contribution in combating phenomena still present in the world societysuch as gender violence: together with partners who believe in the project and share this spirit, with PARI we aim to actions concrete that keep attention on the topic high and contribute to the cultural change that we all feel the need for. Snam by its nature interacts daily with territories and communities: we find ourselves very much in this project and we are focusing on our ability to network to build a more just and inclusive society”.

Through the meeting of different reality and thein-depth analysis of these dynamics, the PARI project aims to develop a new model of companies that discuss these issues and a common sensitivity to respond to gender violence, in the world of work but not only. Together with Snam, other companies of primary importance such as AstraZeneca And AlexionATM, Fastweb, Generali Italia, Gruppo Feltrinelli, Kering Foundation, Prysmian and Trenord, have created an analysis and dissemination project, with the coordination of Feltrinelli Education, which brings together a large network to define a series of concrete actions to create culture against gender violence, within companies and in civil society.

The initiative, which also counts on the patronage of Value Dinvolves an intense program of activities that will materialize in the coming months: field research, the creation of working groups between various companies with the aim of developing concrete proposals and the development of a manifesto that summarizes its principles and objectives.
