Smoking cannabis when you are pregnant could affect your baby’s height

Smoking cannabis when you are pregnant could affect your babys

Pregnant women who smoke cannabis during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to smaller babies.

Smoking during pregnancy has well documented negative effects on birth weight in infants and is linked to several childhood health issues. Researchers at the University of Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions have found that prenatal marijuana use can also affect infant weight and can influence behavioral problems, especially when associated with tobacco use.

On the same subject

“Almost 30% of women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy also report using marijuana,” said Rina Das Eiden, senior researcher. “This number is likely to increase as many states move towards legalizing marijuana, so it is imperative that we know what effects prenatal marijuana use can have on infants.”

The researcher studied nearly 250 infants and their mothers. Of these, 173 of the infants had been exposed to tobacco and / or marijuana during pregnancy. None were exposed to significant amounts of alcohol.

Smoking cannabis during pregnancy impacts infant height

Rina Das Eiden found that infants who had been exposed to tobacco and marijuana, especially in the third trimester, were smaller, less heavy, in weight, had a smaller head size, and were more likely to be premature. These results were more significant in boys than in girls.

“Our results suggest that interventions with women who smoke cigarettes or use marijuana during pregnancy should also focus on reducing stress and helping them cope with negative emotions,” said the researcher. “It may help reduce exposure to prenatal substances and subsequent behavioral problems in infants.”

Read also :

Cannabis: poisoning on the rise in children

Smoking during pregnancy promotes drug addiction

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