SMHI warns of rain in western Götaland: “Can cause floods”

SMHI warns of rain in western Gotaland Can cause floods


SMHI has issued a yellow warning for large amounts of rain during Friday.

Parts of western and inner Götaland risk receiving more than 60 millimeters of rain until tonight.

– It mainly causes problems in traffic, writes Lasse Rydqvist, meteorologist at Klart, in a text message.

SMHI issues a yellow warning for rain in parts of western and inner Götaland.

– It is heavy persistent rain that mainly affects western and inner Götaland. They can get 50-60 mm until 9 pm this evening, writes Lasse Rydqvist.

The sometimes heavy rain can have several consequences.

– These are large amounts in a short time and can cause local flooding and mainly problems in traffic.

SMHI writes in its warning that traffic may go slower due to flooded roads.

Lasse Rydqvist also believes that you can think about what you store in basements and other vulnerable places if you live in the area.

SMHI’s warning applies on Friday between 10.00 and 23.00.

– Then the rain moves away to the east and is followed by reduced cloudiness until tomorrow when the wind also subsides, writes Lasse Rydkvist.

In addition, there is a yellow warning for high flows in northern Halland and southern Västra Götaland, and there are also several yellow warnings for gales in the Baltic Sea.


full screen Photo: Jakob Åkersten Brodén/TT / TT News Agency
