SMHI issues new snow warnings in Svealand

SMHI issues new snow warnings in Svealand

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Updated: Just now

SMHI is now issuing new snow warnings for Svealand on Monday, TT reports.

In Dalarna and Värmland, it can fall up to 20 centimeters.

Up to 20 centimeters of snow and wind are now expected, among other things, in parts of Svealand, according to SMHI, TT writes. A snow warning is issued from Monday morning until around 11 pm.

Stockholm, Uppsala county, Dalarna and northernmost Värmland are affected by the snowfall.

In the west and east, up to 15 centimeters of snow is expected locally. Northernmost Värmland and large parts of Dalarna can expect even more – SMHI writes that up to 20 centimeters can fall.

“A snowfall area is moving in from the west and is expected to cause difficult weather on Monday, which could lead to traffic problems,” writes SMHI on its website.

The snowfall is expected to subside overnight until Tuesday.

full screen Snowy in Stockholm on Wednesday. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg /TT
