SMHI extends the warnings for the mountains

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

During yesterday, SMHI issued an orange warning for wind combined with snowfall on Calf Mountain for Monday and Tuesday.

SMHI strongly advises against going out on the mountain as it will be difficult to get there. It is also assessed that any rescue efforts in a mountain environment can be both risky and take a long time.

SMHI has also issued a yellow warning for wind in combination with snowfall over the southernmost Norrbottensfjällen and northern Västerbottensfjällen. The warning is valid until Thursday morning at 6 a.m. SMHI advises unaccustomed visitors not to go out on the mountain. SMHI has also issued a yellow warning for very strong winds and storms in the northern Lapland mountains.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency also assesses that there is a moderate avalanche risk in western Härjedalsfjällen, southern Jämtlandsfjällen, southern Laplandfjällen, western Vindelfjällen and Abisko and Riksgränsfjällen.
