Smartphones banned in schools in the Netherlands

Smartphones banned in schools in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, smartphone use, which was previously banned in high schools and middle schools, has been added to primary schools. According to local media, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science announced that it has decided to ban the use of smartphones during lessons in primary schools as of the beginning of the week. Within the framework of the decision, students will only be allowed to use smartphones for educational purposes in relevant lessons, except for exceptional cases such as health problems and physical disabilities.


With the decision currently being implemented in middle and high schools, the use of smartphones has been banned in all schools across the country with the implementation of this decision in primary schools as well.

The ban, which is being implemented in the French-speaking regions of Greece, Italy and Belgium, is thought to be considered in Germany as well. (AA)

This content was published by Evin Özbey
