The Briton Josh Strife Hayes is considered a smart MMORPG expert on YouTube. He is now commenting on the Twitch guild “Onlyfangs” in WoW and why he does not participate there. He also criticizes the Twitch streamers to play the MMORPG World of Warcraft from Blizzard after all of Blizzard excitedly called up and called for boycott years ago.
That is the situation: In WoW Classic there is a “hardcore mode”: who dies in WoW, whose character is lost.
Under the leadership of the US streamer Sodapoppin, about 150 Twitch streamers and creators gathered on a hardcore server and founded a common guild in WoW Classic: ONLYFANGS.
This guild is a “content machine”: Due to the interaction of the players and the pressure that death is the end of the character, a lot of drama creates in the guild, which fuels the number of spectators and thus the career of the streamers. Now at the weekend, only fan was a big topic because the guild boss, Tyler1, lost his character at a raid in Molten Core and subsequently left ONLYFANGS.
One who is an expert for MMORPGs but has nothing to do with WoW is Josh Strife Hayes. He was asked by his community to comment on ONLYFANGS or even participate. But he doesn’t believe in that.
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Hayes compares only catches with trash TV formats
That is what he says of ONLYFANGS: Josh Strife Hayes described ONLYFANGS as Jersey Shore for online people in the final stage. The documentary soap “Jersey Shore” roughly corresponds to our trash TV formats on RTL2 such as “Love Island”.
Jersey Shore accompanies a group of Italo-Americans on their summer vacation and shows their conflicts and romances. The show was criticized in the United States to strengthen clichés and stereo types over Italo-Americans by portraying the figures as chubby and mindless.
Hayes explains that such a drama as in only catches for the people who are actually involved is stressful and is stressful and is at the expense of your own mental health – even if it is only played.
Everyone loves internet drama-he too. But it is best to say for your own health: I just don’t care.
In any case, the mechanisms and dynamics of only fan are well known in the trash TV through appropriate formats:
This is drama that arises at the expense of interpersonal relationships. Who would have seen that come? Who could have guessed: If you put a bunch of people who are used to the spotlight together in a guild, then compete with who gets the most attention. Nobody could have seen that!
Even if he sees it so critically, Hayes shows that he knows what happens in onlyfangs. So he asks pointed tongue: What did people expect from him? He has no mana to change the situation.
This is an allusion to Pirate software that fled from a fight, made members of his group die and referred to the fact that he had too little mana to effectively intervene.
Strife Hayes criticizes the mob mentality of Blizzard
That bothers him: Josh Strife Hayes is particularly annoyed that in October 2019 everyone would have excited and swore about Blizzard to boycott Blizzard and never play a game of them again until “things get better.”
In reality, however, nothing had gotten better, the people had bored, turned to the next excitement theme and had played Blizzard’s games again. This culture on the Internet annoys him.
He has now been asked to throw his principles overboard and to take part in only catches, but he was not interested in WoW and was not part of this subculture.
Others would have had to turn away from Blizzard and WoW due to the excitement – he never turned to the game and the company.
Hayes comments on the repeated boycott calls against Blizzard
What does he mean by Blizzard’s boycott? In October 2019 there was a so-called “flash affair”: an e-sports professional from Hong Kong, lightning, the winner of a tournament in Hearthstone had called in an official Blizzard Stream: “Liberate Hong Kong, The Revolution of Our Time. “
The Chinese partner of Blizzard, Netease, then deleted the prize money on behalf of Blizzard and excluded him from Grand Master tournaments for a year. The Casters contracts were also dissolved. They had hidden under their table during the statement of lightning.
The Netease campaign on behalf of Blizzard triggered Boykott calls against Blizzard in the west.
Even in later years, Blizzard was repeatedly criticized: among other things because of the releases of Diablo Immortal and Warcraft 3 Refored. During the sexism allegations against Blizzard in 2021, Boykott calls also occurred again.
Josh Strife Hayes says:
At that time everyone was angry how the company did this and that. And you will now just boycott Blizzard until things change. But then things didn’t change. The boycott simply bored people and they played Blizzard’s games again.
He says: With such a “mob mentality” it is not about being for the right thing, but it is only about being part of the mob that is against the topic against which everyone is. If the current excitement topic changes, it suddenly still “weird” to be against the old topic.
The MMORPG expert who does not like the largest MMORPG
That is behind it: The exciting thing is:
This is certainly a piece of a decision from principles because Josh Strife Hayes really has a problem with Blizzard, it is probably also a strategic decision. Because by deliberately positioning Hayes against WoW, he does not compete with the content creators that accompany the dominant Wow, but goes his own way. He has driven well in recent years.
Hayes repeatedly emphasizes that he would have the opportunity to make a lot of money with playing Blizzard games, but rejects it: Experts for MMORPG explains why he does not apply for a lot of money from Blizzard, WoW does not apply