Smart working, the challenges of the world of work after two years of pandemic

Smart working the challenges of the world of work after

(Finance) – The new Covid decree has extended the possibility for private sector companies to resort to simplified smart working – without, therefore, the need for an individual agreement between worker and employer -, until 30 June 2022, but it is increasingly evident that the impact of these two years of pandemic will definitively change the way of working. Having experienced the benefits of working remotely, the challenge for employers is now to motivate employees to return to the office as well, finding new stimuli and opportunities. Today 33% of hybrid workers in Italy are, in fact, reluctant to return to the office. In such a scenario only 27% of Italian executives have entered into new corporate agreements for hybrid work. It is therefore necessary to rethink the role of the office, adopting new methods and agreements on the management of flows and in-person meetings. The new rules will need to ensure that office space is enriching for employees, helping them feel connected and part of the company. These are the main evidences that emerged from the new edition of Work Trend Index “Great Expectations: Making Work Work” published by Microsoft.

There 2022 version of the researchwhich includes an Italian cross-section, highlights the new awareness of employees, who after two years of remote work require their employers new ways of business organization, as well as greater flexibility and free time, to give added value to the new landscape of work and the return to the office. Understanding and keeping up with the new expectations of the workforce is today the challenge that every leader must face and – underlines Microsoft – will be the key element in making hybrid work work.

“We cannot erase the experience and the impact that the last two years will continue to have on the labor market, since flexibility and well-being have become non-negotiable elements for employees – he said. Jared Spataro, corporate vice president, Modern Work, Microsoft -. By accepting and responding proactively to these new expectations, companies have the opportunity to rethink their business setting and the role of employees to achieve long-term success goals. “

Microsoft’s second annual study combines the results of a survey conducted on 31,000 people in 31 countries along with an analysis of productivity data from Microsoft 365 tools and job trends on LinkedIn.
