Smart boast, Simone Veglioni resigns from the Board of Directors

Eligo Ivan Munarini replaces Riccardo Puleo on the Board of

(Finance) – Smart boastInformation Technology and innovative SME Company, listed on Euronext Growth Milan, communicated the Resignation of Simone Veglioni as a member of the Board of Directors. Veglioni explained that resignation is a consequence of his momentary impossibility of being able to fully dedicate yourself to your assignmentbeing still waiting to clarify the judicial affair that personally involved him. Furthermore, he highlighted that his work in the field of the research and development business unit can be considered fully carried out currently, having also received the company’s communication to the contribution for the “entrepreneurial discovery” announcement.

In this regard, the Company has received the communication of admission to the facilities provided for by the Fund for Sustainable Growth – PN 2021/2027 “Entrepreneurial Discovery” DM 13 July 2023 – DD 7 December 2023. The research and development project, presented in partnership with the University of Messina, has a value equal to 4,270,178.40 euros, from the Made in Italy. facilitated by 1,884,073.20 euros and a contribution to the expenditure of 1,431,663.12 euros. The qUota of the project of the competence of Bantea Smart is equal to 3,768,146.40 euros For a contribution to the expenditure of 1,130,443.92 euros and subsidized financing of 1,884,073.20 euros. The project involves the development of an advanced software platform that integrates three key components to face cybersecurity challenges in the areas of Awareness, Secure Coding and Brand Reputation.

“We are sure that Viglioni can clarify his position as soon as possible and named I would like to thank him for his work – said the CEO Lara Lindozzi – Smart boast of Smart confirms his commitment to the development of solutions for the cyber security market with satisfaction “.

(Photo: Benjamin Child on UNSPLASH)
