Slugging, this new dermatological trend from TikTok

Slugging this new dermatological trend from TikTok

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    in collaboration with

    Marie Jourdan (Dermatologist)

    It’s well known that social networks and especially Tiktok are full of how-to videos. Latest: slugging or applying petroleum jelly to the face at night before sleeping. If it’s not dangerous, it can force an outbreak of acne on the face, warns Dr. Marie Jourdan.

    Do you know “slugging”? If the name means nothing to you, it’s because you haven’t come across one of the videos on the TikTok social network touting this trick.

    Vaseline, a product that is not dangerous

    Slugging is the new beauty trick we see on social networks. It consists of applying petroleum jelly to the face before going to bed.

    Vaseline in itself is a product that is absolutely not dangerous. You can buy it everywhere, there are different qualities, I generally recommend buying it in pharmacies to have a purified product, but the others are good too, they meet the specifications of the European cosmetics regulations. First of all, explains Dr. Marie Jourdan, dermatologist and member of Doctissimo’s committee of experts.

    Watch out for the buttons!

    Vaseline helps prevent dehydration and retains water in the skin. ” But if you put it constantly, the skin can end up with pimples and blackheads, because petroleum jelly can be comedogenic, depending on its formulation and its use. adds the specialist. ” HASadopting this new trend of slugging is not dangerous, but there is a risk of seeing pimples appear and it will therefore be necessary to stop all application explains the dermatologist again.

    To be used in moderation, therefore

    For oily or acne-prone skin, the application of Vaseline on the face is therefore strongly discouraged. For other types of skin, dry or combination, Marie Jourdan believes that it is possible to do it from time to time, to obtain a “glow” effect but while ” avoiding the T-zone of the face, which tends to be oily unless it’s particularly dry for some reason concludes the specialist.
