Slovenia tears fence against Croatia

Slovenia tears fence against Croatia

Slovenia will demolish the fence the country set up in 2015 at the border with Croatia. The reason is that it does not serve its purpose, says Prime Minister Robert Golob.

The barbed wire fence was set up during the refugee crisis in 2014–2015, when more than half a million people crossed the border between the countries.

But the 200-kilometer-long fence, which covers a third of the border, did not have the intended deterrent effect.

– The barbed wire did not deter anyone from crossing our border, says Golob and states that a plan for the demolition must be completed before the end of June.

According to the Prime Minister, the number of refugees coming to the country has increased by 75 percent during the first five months of the year, compared with the same period last year, and the fence now only poses an unnecessary health risk.
