Sleep together, sleep better!

Sleep together sleep better

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    According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona, adults who sleep together have better sleep than those who sleep alone. The benefits would affect health.

    You may find it pleasant to sleep alone. However, according to American researchers, sleeping with a spouse makes it possible to have better nights of sleep. Their results were published in the journal sleeping.

    Two-person sleep study

    To reach these conclusions, the researchers analyzed data collected as part of a study on sleep and activity, food, environment and socialization, called SHADES, involving 1,007 adults aged to work from southeastern Pennsylvania.

    To study the need to be in a couple to sleep and therefore the impact on sleep, the authors evaluated bed sharing using surveys and health factors relating to sleep via various indicators known in medicine.

    A positive impact on health

    According to the scientists’ findings, those who shared a bed with a partner most nights reported “less severe insomnia, less fatigue and more sleep time than those who said they never shared a bed with a partner”.

    Other positive impact on health: “those who slept with a partner also fell asleep faster, stayed asleep longer after falling asleep, and were at lower risk of sleep apnea.”.

    The researchers also found that sleeping with a partner was associated with “lower depression, anxiety and stress scores, as well as greater social support and satisfaction with life and relationships”.

    Sleeping with a child or alone degrades sleep quality

    If these results are verified with an adult at his side, when it comes to a child, the consequences are different. Participants who reported having shared nights with their child showed “greater severity of insomnia, greater risk of sleep apnea and less control over their sleep” say the authors.

    Similarly, sleeping alone puts you at greater risk of depression, lower social support, and lower satisfaction with life and relationships.

    Consult a doctor online for your sleep disorders

    Little research done on the subject

    It’s something that’s been little explored in scientific studies, the work’s lead author, Dr. Michael Grandner, director of sleep and health research for the Program at the University of Arizona said. “surprised” at the importance of this simple factor.

    Very few studies explore this parameter, but our results suggest that sleeping alone or with a partner, family member or pet can impact our sleep quality.” he concludes.

    Couple: what the way you sleep says about your relationship

    Slide: Couple: what the way you sleep says about your relationship
