Sleep day: five podcasts to make it easier to fall asleep

Sleep day five podcasts to make it easier to fall

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    Do you have trouble sleeping? You are probably not alone, according to the many studies that report an increase in sleep disorders since the start of the pandemic. What if you listen to stories to relax, and fall more quickly into the arms of Morpheus? On the occasion of International Sleep Day, March 17, here is a selection of five podcasts that will save you from going in circles once under the duvet.

    Just go to music streaming services to realize the multitude of podcasts devoted to falling asleep. Whether it’s stories intended to soothe, music, meditation, or ASMR, many are the short or long programs that try to rock their listeners so that they fall more quickly into the arms of Morpheus. A shame if we consider that podcasts usually try by all means to hook them, and yet they are now a valuable aid in the fight against certain sleep disorders.

    Sleeping pill, the podcast to fall asleep

    The title is clear enough to understand that this podcast was thought and made to help everyone doze off. And in view of its success, it seems that it works. Divided into three parts, the podcast begins with a short summary of the evening’s story, then gives way to a relaxation session supposed to place the listener in a bubble of well-being and serenity. Next comes the so-called “tall story”. All that remains is to turn off the light, and let yourself be lulled by the sound of a deep, deep voice. “Pas de bras, pas de chocolat”, “Louise Michel”, Denise’s disappearance” are the last episodes to listen to on insomnia nights.


    Narcoleptica, bedtime stories

    Designed for insomniacs, this podcast also relies mainly on stories to help listeners – and its author – fall asleep more easily. The idea? Propose a sound walk in places alternately real or imaginary, and allow the listener to relax, then to fall asleep, to the sound of a soft voice with a slow rhythm. If the podcast has not been updated for almost a year, it currently offers no less than 53 episodes, including summer series, which will undoubtedly allow everyone to put an end to insomnia.


    A story and… Oli

    It made parents happy during confinement, but this podcast is above all intended to accompany the little ones in the arms of Morpheus. And sometimes it’s not easy. Personalities, including Nicolas Demorand, Zabou Breitman, or even Laure Adler, slip into the shoes of storytellers to arouse the curiosity and imagination of children, and help them fall asleep at the end – or before the end – of positive stories evoking fantastic characters, magical subjects, but also more current social facts, always ending – of course – on a positive note.


    Little Bamboo

    It is not a podcast strictly speaking, but a meditation application which includes among its many programs a theme related to sleep. At stake ? Dozens of sessions designed for those who have difficulty falling asleep, but also preparing them for bedtime, or more simply accessing a certain serenity. All through meditation or sophrology sessions, breathing exercises or creative visualization, and even meditation sessions drawing their source directly from nature. A concept that seems to appeal to the millions of users of the application around the world.


    Consult a doctor online for your sleep disorders

    sleep with me

    English-speaking friends, this podcast hosted by Drew Ackerman was also designed to help listeners fall asleep, although the tone and rhythm are totally different from the aforementioned podcasts. However, it is still a question of stories to sleep tall intended not only to allow everyone to forget their daily problems but also to promote sleep by playing the card of … boredom. And this, even if the host does not hesitate to use humor. As for the listener, he only has to turn off the light, press play, and let himself be guided.

