Skyttedal is poked: “No confidence”

Skyttedal is poked No confidence

Updated 09.04 | Published 08.47




full screen EU parliamentarian Sara Skyttedal (KD). Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

KD no longer has confidence in EU parliamentarian Sara Skyttedal and she is being pushed as a top name before the EU elections. The debater Alice Teodorescu Måwe now tops the list for the European Parliament for the Christian Democrats instead, writes SVT.

Skyttedal must have tried to get assignments in other parties.

“The background is that it has come to our attention that she has sought opportunities for assignments with another party. In addition, she has explained the actions in a way that means that there is no longer trust,” says party secretary Liza-Maria Norlin in an email to TT.

According to information to Aftonbladet and SVT, it is the Sweden Democrats.

It has been an unusually messy process regarding who will top KD’s list in the EU elections. Skyttedal made headlines when, contrary to the party line, she advocated the legalization of cannabis and said that she herself had used it. Something she now distances herself from.

She was poked last year as the top name in favor of colleague David Lega but ultimately won the battle after KD’s party council held a final vote.

The Christian Democrats’ party board will now call for an extra party council to choose a new first name for the KD’s ballot paper.
