Skyttedal can be denied a place in KD’s EU group after the election

Skyttedal can be denied a place in KDs EU group


Sara Skyttedal is allowed to stay in the EPP group in the EU Parliament – for the time being.

But after the election, there may be other buns. EPP spokesperson Pedro Lopez does not believe that Skyttedal has a future in the group.

– Her chances of getting the support of two-thirds of the members of the group will be very low.

  • Sara Skyttedal is allowed to stay in the EPP group in the EU Parliament.
  • EPP’s spokesperson Pedro Lopez believes that Skyttedal’s chances of getting support to be part of the group after the election are low, after statements about renegotiation of Sweden’s EU membership.
  • Skyttedal receives a reprimand and is not allowed to make statements against the EPP or use the group’s resources for the rest of the term.
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    The Christian Democrats want to exclude Sara Skyttedal from the EU parliamentary group EPP, of which both KD and M are members.

    But it won’t happen. Skyttedal can stay for the short period that remains of the term before the parliament takes a break for the EU parliamentary elections.

    This is confirmed by the EPP’s press manager in the European Parliament, Pedro Lopez.

    – There will be no official exclusion process due to the fact that her new party is not a member of the EPP, he says.

    “Political breadth”

    Sara Skyttedal says that she is grateful to continue working in the party group in which she was active during the term of office.

    – For the European bourgeoisie, I also consider it healthy if the group continues to be an actor that has a political breadth. It is only in this way that you can continue to be a factor of power and also make yourself less dependent on the red-greens in parliament, she says further.


    full screen Sara Skyttedal has been an MEP for the Christian Democrats since 2019. Photo: Jessica Gow/ TT Nyhetsbyrån

    Get a reprimand

    However, Sara Skyttedal gets a slap on the fingers from her party group.

    According to Pedro Lopez, Skyttedal has been asked not to make statements against the group, she is not allowed to present the EPP’s case in parliament, nor to partake of the group’s resources during the remaining term of office.

    The EPP takes seriously the statements made by Sara Skyttedal regarding the EU in her new role as top name for the newly started Folklistan, says Pedro Lopez.

    Among other things, Sara Skyttedal together with Jan Emanuel has spoken about renegotiating Swedish membership in the EU.

    – The leadership of the EPP group has decided to give Mrs. Skyttedal an official reprimand for not following the rules of the group due to her statements about Swedish membership in the EU and her decision to found a party that does not share the fundamental values ​​of the EU, says Pedro López.


    full screenSara Skyttedal and Jan Emanuel. Photo: Lotte Fernvall

    Can be denied a place after the election

    Sara Skyttedal has said that she wants to return to the EPP group if she is elected to the EU Parliament in June. But the prospects for that are uncertain.

    It is likely that both KD and M will oppose Sara Skyttedal being allowed to be part of the EPP, if she is re-elected. This may mean that she is kept out of the group.

    – In the very remote event that she is elected, she needs to apply for membership and her chances of getting the support of two-thirds of the members of the group will be very low. Most likely, the other Swedish parties in the EPP will not be positive about it and the majority always follow the advice of the national members, says Pedro Lopez.
