Skrällen: Anton Ivarsson won the men’s short distance

In the snow storm in Idre, it looked as if the victory in the men’s short distance would be between Oskar Brandt and Sebastian Samuelsson.

But the ending was hardly what Brandt and Samuelsson had hoped for. Brandt missed three shots and Samuelsson two. It opened up for Anton Ivarsson, who shot full in the last shot and took the lead, 46 seconds ahead of Samuelsson.

At the first interval towards the goal, Ivarsson had lost 15 seconds. However, he could afford that. At the finish line, he was 25.7 seconds ahead of Samuelsson and almost 51 seconds ahead of Brandt.

Despite heavy snowfall, it was only a bump for Ivarsson, and the question is whether he has qualified for a place in the World Cup, which starts in two weeks.

Samuelsson both skated and shot quickly, but missed five shots.

– It is not enough when it is time for the World Cup, says expert Björn Ferry.
