The announcement comes after calls for restraint with fees and management salaries in the tough economic situation from, among others, the pension company AMF and LO chairman Susanna Gideonsson.
Saturday’s general meeting decision in Sälen means that the fee for Skistar’s chairman of the board, former Minister of Industry Anders Sundström (S), will be increased from SEK 550,000 to SEK 650,000. The remuneration of the other six members is increased from SEK 250,000 to SEK 300,000.
According to the selection committee’s chairman, Per Gullstrand, the old fees were “well below average” compared to companies of the same size. The increase increases the company’s competitiveness in the face of future changes in the board, emphasizes Gullstrand.
“This is an adjustment to get up to the average value,” he says to Di.