Skin cancer: one in five people could be affected in their lifetime

Skin cancer one in five people could be affected in

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    in collaboration with

    Dr. Marie Jourdan (Dermatologist)

    The English Association of Dermatologists announces an alarming figure: it estimates that one in five people in England could have skin cancer during their lifetime. What is the trend in France? The answers of Dr Marie Jourdan, dermatologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee.

    For the association of British dermatologists, four factors are mainly in question: the aging of the population, more important screenings but also the increase in exposure to the sun and holidays abroad.

    80,000 cases of skin cancer per year in France

    In France, for Dr Jourdan, the trend is “slightly better“, with respect to melanomas.”We can say that for melanomas, we are on a plateau. It would seem that the harmful effects of UV rays, in particular via tanning booths and the damage of sunburn on the skin, are better understood by the population” considers the dermatologist, who welcomes the impact of prevention campaigns on sun protection for children in particular and the screening campaigns set up once a year. To identify people who wish to do so, this annual campaign offers the observation of their moles by health professionals.

    Carcinomas, on the other hand, continue to increase, on the part of “the aging of the population and chronic exposure to the sun”. There are a total of 80,000 cases of skin cancer each year in France, according to Public Health France, the vast majority of which are carcinomas.

    The increase in sun exposure and vacations abroad in question

    The reasons put forward by the members of the Association of British Dermatologists are valid in France. “The aging of the population is undeniable in France, retirees tend to expose themselves to the sun for a long time, whether on vacation or simply playing pétanque near their homes. exposes the dermatologist. “And unlike melanoma, which mostly forms from childhood sunburn, carcinoma, which affects the epidermis, is caused by chronic skin exposure.”.

    Consult an oncologist online

    Protect yourself from the sun to prevent skin cancer

    The best way to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer is to limit sun exposure. “You have to make up your mind not to seek the sun. It’s normal to be exposed to it, in everyday life or on vacation, but you really have to avoid exposing yourself” hammers the specialist again.

    In addition, you must be properly protected by a suitable sunscreen and protect your skin from excessive exposure on vacation. “Fair skin, Caucasian type, burns when it finds itself under the sun of the tropics” recalls Marie Jourdan.

    Skin cancer detection, step by step

    Skin cancer detection, step by step

    Slide: Skin cancer detection, step by step
