Skellefteås players suspended after cross check against Luleås players

The incident occurs when 12 minutes remain in the third period in the match between Skellefteå AIK and Luleå HF.

Skellefteå’s Arvid Lundberg gets the puck and goes out towards the rim with Luleå’s Brendan Shinnimin chasing after. Shinnimin prevents Lundberg from playing the puck away and at the same time holds onto Lundberg who loses the puck. When Shinnimin is going to pass Lundberg, he cross-checks Shinnimin with great force in the head so that the helmet comes off, according to the report.

– I feel that the club first hits the shoulder cover but that it unfortunately slides upwards after that. My intention was not to meet him so loudly, writes Arvid Lundberg in his response to the disciplinary committee.

Arvid Lundberg is now suspended for three matches, December 31 to January 6, following a decision by the disciplinary committee.

In the decision, the disciplinary board writes that the cross-checking was handed out with force to the head, and is disrespectful and entails a great risk of injury.
