Skellefteå is one of the world’s best travel destinations

Skelleftea is one of the worlds best travel destinations

Published: Less than 20 minutes ago

full screenView of Skellefteå from the wooden hotel. Stock Photography. Photo: Axel Hilleskog / SvD / TT

The Galapagos Islands, the Great Barrier Reef, Bali and Skellefteå. The city of Västerbotten is in good company as Time magazine lists the world’s 50 best travel destinations.

Despite the fact that Skellefteå is just over 200 km south of the Arctic Circle, Skellefteå radiates “undeniable heat”, Time writes in its annual list “World’s Greatest Places”.

Skellefteå pays tribute, among other things, to the city’s biogas-powered public transport, electric battery factory and wooden hotel.

“It is a magnet for modern city dwellers, those who want to live in harmony with nature rather than in opposition to it”, writes the magazine, and concludes that Skellefteå has an “unexpected cosmopolitan atmosphere for a city with less than 74,000 permanent inhabitants”.

Maria Broman, CEO of the hospitality and marketing company Visit Skellefteå tells the newspaper Norran:

– I knew that we would be on the list, but not really when it would be published. This just feels fantastic and is the result of a strong joint work for many years.

The places on the list are selected by the Times network of correspondents and staff, according to the magazine.

In 2021, Gothenburg was on the list.
