Skansen’s acute crisis: Roof leaks – houses collapse

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Roofs are leaking, foundations are collapsing and water and sewerage are severely neglected.

The open-air museum Skansen is in urgent need of renovation and needs SEK 300 million to refurbish historic buildings, says Skansen director John Brattmyhr.

But in the government’s autumn budget, there was zero for Skansen, when the previous renovation grant from the Social Democrats’ budget was deleted.

– It may not be so much fun to deliver money to Skansen for maintenance, but it is actually necessary if it is to remain. More is required and then I have to signal that this is about to go to the funders, says Johan Brattmyhr.

The Minister of Culture invites Skansen to borrow for the renovation.

– Seen in the light of the economic crisis, we have still made it possible for Skansen to be able to take out loans at a favorable rate through the national debt, says Minister of Culture Paris Liljestrand (M).

The ultimate crisis for Skansen is that they have to take down certain houses.

– In ten, fifteen years we can be there, says Johan Brattmyhr.
