Six tips from a virologist to avoid toxoplasmosis

Six tips from a virologist to avoid toxoplasmosis

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    You are not immune to toxoplasmosis and are afraid of catching it? Here are 6 very simple tips to put in place to protect yourself from it.

    Toxoplasmosis, what is it?

    Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection, which is not easy to detect.

    Toxoplasmosis is an infection with a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii (…) which is most often benign and asymptomatic. It is a disease that most often goes unnoticed: 80% of affected individuals, including pregnant women, do not experience any symptoms. warns the Améli site.

    However, it can cause serious complications in fragile people, such as immunocompromised patients.

    As the parasite also crosses the placental barrier, the fetus can be contaminated. He then risks chorioretinitis – an inflammation of the choroid associated with damage to the retina.

    It sometimes appears after the birth of the child, or even during adolescence or adulthood. It can be responsible for visual deficit“, further details the health insurance website.

    Therefore, prevention of toxoplasmosis is essential.

    Toxoplasmosis: what prevention actions should be taken?

    Dr. Océane Sorel, doctor of virology known under the pseudonym @The French virologist, provides some very practical advice to avoid catching toxoplasmosis, especially when you are pregnant.

    • From the start of her video, she recommends “Wash fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs thoroughly with drinking water. No need to use vinegar, however.”
    • Afterwards, “if you go to a restaurant and you are not sure whether the fruit and vegetables have been washed properly; it may be better to choose cooked vegetables rather than raw vegetables“.
    • You can also freeze meat for at least three days; this will kill the parasites“.
    • Please note that freezing does not exempt you from cooking the meat thoroughly afterwards. Pregnant, in fact, it is better to avoid raw meat“.
    • If you have a small cat, you can wear gloves to change the litter or ask your partner to do it and take the opportunity to “hang out”. Don’t forget to remind him to wash his hands thoroughly afterwards.” ;
    • Finally, “if you have a green thumb, it’s best to wear gloves and wash your hands after gardening“, concludes the scientist.
