Six men were arrested on Monday morning by police, suspected of involvement in riots last Easter

Six men were arrested on Monday morning by police suspected

According to Tanja Johansson, prosecutor, the six men were picked up by the police early in the morning. After the first interrogations, five of them were released. But a sixth man was arrested, suspected of violent rioting and sabotage against blue light activities. The crimes they are suspected of must have been committed both in connection with the riots at the rest area Skånegården in Malmö and at Rosengård. The arrested man is suspected of a crime at Skånegården.

– The suspicions are based on a review of information from the police involved and film material that has come to the attention of the police. I do not want to go into more detail in the act as the person in question has been arrested and has not yet been heard properly, says Tanja Johansson.

The six men all live in Malmö and are adults.

According to Sydsvenskan, who was the first to tell about the arrests, more detentions can be expected as the investigation into the Easter riots in Malmö continues. According to the newspaper, ten people are currently working in the investigation group.

– There may be more arrests, says police investigation leader Håkan Persson to the newspaper.

Tanja Johansson can not yet say whether the arrested man will be requested to be detained.

– I do not want to comment on it at the moment because he has not been heard yet. I’ll wait with that assessment until he’s heard with defenders.

Why were the other five men not arrested?

– It is simply the state of the investigation and a balance around the need for a deprivation of liberty that I do not consider to be overriding with regard to the investigation and what the state of evidence looks like.
