Six cases of meningitis detected in Strasbourg, including one death

Six cases of meningitis detected in Strasbourg including one death

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    Since November, six young adults have been infected with a strain of meningitis in a nightclub. One of them did not survive. The Regional Health Agency invites young people from Strasbourg to get vaccinated quickly.

    It is one of the most feared contaminations by parents of young children or young adults. In Strasbourg, since November 2022, 6 people have been infected with group B meningitis, a rare and hitherto unknown strain in the Grand Est: all have been hospitalized and one has died. It would probably be the same strain in the 6 cases. According to the regional health agency (ARS), the epidemic started in a nightclub in Strasbourg last November. The first 4 cases frequented festive nightlife venues including an establishment, the Live Club in Strasbourg.

    The ARS recommends that young people from Strasbourg get vaccinated

    Faced with these multiple cases and for prevention, the ARS recommends young people from Strasbourg who are used to going out to festive places to get closer to their doctor to get vaccinated. A request that is beginning to bear fruit since on January 5, according to the ARS, 151 people received a first dose of vaccination.

    The agency announces that a toll-free number has been set up to answer questions about this epidemic and its risks: 0 800 32 04 00 and that vaccination coverage is 100% free.

    Meningitis: what are the signs to watch out for?

    Meningitis is an invasive meningococcal infection, a bacterium normally present in the throat and nose, which can be transmitted through the air or through saliva. Its transmission requires direct, close and prolonged contact, conditions that are found especially in nocturnal places.

    According to the Ameli website, some symptoms are recognizable and must commit you to consult:

    • A sometimes high fever;
    • Intense headaches;
    • Intolerance to light or noise);
    • Nausea or vomiting;
    • A stiff neck: the back of the neck is painful and stiff during movement;
    • Red or purplish subcutaneous spots on the body;
    • Significant body aches;
    • A great tiredness.

    The ARS thus invites people who regularly attend festive places in this district to monitor the symptoms suggestive of the disease and to call 15 in case of doubt.
